IT Services
Wireless Networks

Many companies want to “lose the wires” and go wireless. Wireless Networks can streamline your company network because there is no need for the extra time or costly installation of new cables. Plus, it can give your employees the freedom to “roam” throughout the office, while staying connected to the network with their laptops or smartphones. Having a reliable company wireless network is part of doing business in today’s age of information technology.
But is wireless always the right option?
As always, the answer is – it depends. Companies that rely heavily on database intensive applications would be better served to maintain a reliable “wired” connection. But mobile employees and conference rooms are perfect situations for a wireless connection. Many factors inside your company building can affect the overall performance of wireless networks. We can help answer all of your questions and recommend the best solution for your particular environment.
Convenience and Security
It feels good to roam throughout an office and not have to worry about where the network jacks are located. Wireless networks are convenient and the technology is becoming more reliable every year. However, a small business wireless network must maintain security for your company data and the rest of the network infrastructure. The setup and configuration of the equipment is critical for a wireless network.
Wireless Access for your Guests?
For many businesses, it is also necessary to provide internet access to visitors – these might be vendors or your customers. Should you provide these folks with your WIFI password? Of course not! Protect your company network by providing a separate “guest” network for your visitors. A Guest network creates a completely separate network for your visitors to use your Internet connection, while protecting your main company network and your data.
Our team is experienced in installing and configuring wireless networks that are completely secure using the latest protocols and encryption algorithms.